
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We are pleased to announce the general availability of Customer Managed Keys for Aura Enterprise customers on AWS. You can now protect your data in Aura using your own managed keys created using AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
To start using Customer Managed Keys, head to the Aura Console and choose Customer Managed Key in the left hand navigation. You can then create a new Customer Managed Key here. Remember to copy the Key ARN from AWS and match the AWS region where the key is located.
Create New Customer Managed Key 2
Once the Customer Managed Key have been created and validated with AWS, you can start using it to encrypt a new v5 instance. Head back to Instances of the selected product (AuraDB or AuraDS) and click New Instance. You can then choose to use your Customer Managed Key under Encryption Settings.
Create New Instance
To learn more about Customer Managed Keys, head over to the Aura documentation. Happy graphing!


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDB Professional

AuraDB Free

AuraDS Self-Start

AuraDS Enterprise

Latest Neo4j version 5.19 on Aura!

All Aura v5 databases are now running the latest Neo4j version 5.19.
Highlights include:
Surface for Developers and Data Scientists
GenAI plugin:
  • Support for Vertex AI taskType and title embedding parameters
  • Support for Vertex AI vector encoding models textembedding-gecko@002, textembedding-gecko@003, and textembedding-gecko-multilingual@001.
Language and Graph Model
  • An optional keyword DISTINCT can now be used after UNION as the explicit form of a UNION with duplicate removal. Users now have the options of UNION ALL, UNION DISTINCT or UNION (the existing behavior, which behaves as UNION DISTINCT). Documentation is available here.
  • For LIST and STRING concatenation, || can now be used as a synonym of + Documentation is available here and here.
Scale and Availability
  • A new and improved eagerness analysis algorithm reduces the number of eager operators and improves explainability and performance, and reduces memory utilization.
Operability & Observability
  • Plan descriptions produced by EXPLAIN and PROFILE now provide additional information about planned eager operators in the 'Detail' column, improving explainability.
Platform & Supportability
  • In line with OpenID Connect Core 1.0 updates to errata set 2, remove checks on the azp claim in OIDC tokens when there are multiple values in the aud claim.
  • Update Apache Shiro to 2.0.0
  • Set permissions on /var/lib/neo4j/bin to 755
Kernel Fixes
  • A fix that avoids database issues following a leader switch in clustered setups on 5.18. We now perform an extra lease check to ensure a token's replicated state is current before checking its existence in the database. This prevents attempts to create duplicate tokens post-switch, which can cause database panics.
  • Fixed transaction logs metrics that weren't incremented in a cluster setup.
  • Fixes a rare issue in clustered setups where frequent leader switches could cause some internal record IDs to be reused.
  • Fixes a problem when the verbose flag was set while using neo4j-admin to output a dump file. This would cause both outputs to be written to standard out, resulting in garbage. When running neo4j-admin database dump --to-stdout neo4j any logging output is now directed to standard err, and the database dump will be directed to standard out.
Cypher Fixes
  • Bug fixes and security updates on IMMUTABLE privileges
  • Fix bug in pipelined runtime where a fused pipeline following a CALL IN TRANSACTION subquery without RETURN could have generated incorrect code for reading from input rows, which could lead to an IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Please refer to the changelog for full details of the changes.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDS Enterprise

Advanced Metrics now available for Aura Enterprise!

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Advanced Metrics for Aura Enterprise customers in the Aura console. It is accessed from the current metrics tab of an instance card in the Aura console, by clicking on the Advanced Metrics button next to the time range selector, and will open in a new tab.
Advanced Metrics offers an expanded set of metrics divided into three categories:
  • Resources
    - Information about the resource utilization of your database instances and their underlying hardware.
  • Instance
    - In-depth information about how your Neo4j instance is running.
  • Database
    - This section contains information specific to your Aura database.
As Aura Enterprise instances run with high availability, the charts in Advanced Metrics can provide some aggregate views of the servers providing the high availability. For example, CPU usage can show the maximum, average (mean) and minimum usage of the servers supporting the database.
Interactive charts
Advanced Metrics features interactive charts that let you adjust the view to your needs.
  • Zoom
    - All charts can be zoomed in by selecting and dragging. The zoom level applies to all charts on the page, letting you easily surface correlated events across multiple metrics. Reset the view using the context menu or double-clicking anywhere within the chart.
  • Relative or absolute values
    - Certain charts can be toggled to show either relative or absolute values.
  • Enable and disable lines
    - In charts containing more than one data series, lines can be toggled simply by clicking in the chart legend.
Expanded view
Use the Expand option in the context menu of any chart to maximize the chart on the screen. All chart interactions are still available in expanded mode. If you adjust the zoom level in an expanded chart the zoom level is seamlessly applied to all charts in the background.
Next steps
Advanced Metrics are being made available for Aura Enterprise instances initially. It will also be made available to Aura Professional instances soon.
Happy charting!
Aura and Ops Manager product teams.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDB Professional

AuraDB Free

AuraDS Self-Start

AuraDS Enterprise

Latest Neo4j version 5.18 on Aura!

All Aura v5 databases are now running the latest Neo4j version 5.18.
Surface for Developers and Data Scientists
  • The GenAI Plugin introduces and defaults to a new vector search index provider, vector-2.0, which brings: Support for up to 4096 dimensional vectors and integral element vectors, An improved cosine similarity implementation & Relationship vector indexes.
  • Added support in the GenAI Plugin for the OpenAI text-embedding-3-large and text-embedding-3-small models. These new models have the optional dimensions::INTEGER configuration option, as they support shortening on both OpenAI and Azure OpenAI.
  • Added support for using Azure OpenAI as the embedding provider in the GenAI Plugin. (Documentation of the GenAI Plugin is here.)
Language and Graph Model
  • Extended the Simple CASE expression to allow predicate expressions (e.g. WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN 1) and comparison operators (e.g. WHEN <1 THEN 'small', and also to allow comma-separated WHEN operands (e.g. WHEN 'red', 'blue', 'green' THEN 'colourful'). (Documentation is here.)
  • INSERT can now be used as a synonym of CREATE when creating graph elements (documentation is available here).
Vector index updates:
  • Added pairwise vector similarity functions vector.similarity.euclidean and vector.similarity.cosine (documentation is available here).
  • CREATE VECTOR INDEX for relationship vector indexes (requires 'vector-2.0' index provider)
  • Support for indexes and queries with LIST<INTEGER|FLOAT> to help accommodate some implicit conversions that can occur with Cypher.
  • Documentation for vector indexes is here; see also documentation for syntax and procedures.
Please refer to the changelog for full details of the changes.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDB Professional

AuraDB Free

AuraDS Self-Start

AuraDS Enterprise

GraphQL API - Early Access Program!

In the GraphQL team at Neo4j, we’ve been working on extending  Aura  to natively offer GraphQL Connectivity.
We’re now at the stage where people can start to try it and gives us some early feedback. If you’re interested in using GraphQL with Aura or just want to know more, then you can register your interest here
The Early Access will run between 1st April and 31st May and can be used with any Aura instance that is running in 
 - other cloud platforms will be available later this year in a later Early Access.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDB Professional

AuraDB Free

AuraDS Self-Start

AuraDS Enterprise

Latest Neo4j version 5.17 on Aura!

All Aura V5 databases are now running the latest Neo4j version 5.17.
Neo4j GenAI Integrations
Compatibility with various generative AI services, including support for transforming text data into vector embeddings using VertexAI, OpenAI, or Amazon Bedrock. The resulting vector embeddings can be used together with Neo4j’s vector search indexes. Documentation is available here.
Language and Graph Model
  • A string normalization function (NORMALIZE) and predicate expression (IS [NOT] NORMALIZED), making it possible to generate a canonical form of a Unicode string and determine if two Unicode strings are equivalent to each other. Documentation is available here and here.
  • On attempting to create an index or constraint (CREATE INDEX|CONSTRAINT... IF NOT EXISTS), we now return a notification if the index/constraint to be created already exists. Similarly, on attempting to drop an index or constraint (DROP INDEX|CONSTRAINT... IF EXISTS), we now return a notification if the index/constraint to be dropped does not exist. Documentation is available here and here.
  • Cache queries with obfuscated literals #24046 & Speed-up obfuscation #24019.
  • Fix a bug where a query using a conjunction such as CREATE (:A&B) would create a node without labels.
  • Fix a bug that would return a ‘WGS84 invalid coordinate error’ in a POINT INDEX distance calculation. This bug would occur for large search distances (> 11,936,226 m) where the search region perimeter crosses both poles (90,0 and -90,0).
  • Fix issue with EXPLAIN and nested temporal types leading to a failed to pretty print RuntimeConstant error.
  • Fix bugs in query obfuscation #23124.
Please refer to the changelog for full details of the changes.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDS Enterprise

UPDATE: Team Members is now User Management

Team Members has been renamed to User Management.
To simplify terminology, we have renamed the existing Team Members function to
User Management
so it better reflects feature capability.
To view the changes, head to the Aura Console and choose User Management in the left hand navigation. To learn more about User Management, head over to the Aura documentation.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDB Professional

AuraDB Free

AuraDS Self-Start

AuraDS Enterprise

Customize your tenant name

We're happy to announce that customizing your tenant name is now possible.
Simply go to the tenant selector in the top navigation, and hit the 'pencil' icon to change the name of your tenant.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDS Enterprise

User management - Viewer role now available

We're pleased to announce the release of the 'Viewer' role for Aura user management.
For this release, we're focusing on empowering admin users with enhanced permissions control at both the Console and API levels. This feature allows admins to assign specific permissions based on roles, giving them the ability to prevent potentially destructive or costly actions within their tenant.
Viewers are able to:
  • View tenant details
  • View members of the tenant
  • View and open all instances within a tenant
Please note, this role only applies to Aura Console access, and does not correspond or map to read-only access within the database.
User management and the viewer role will be released for self serve customers in Q1 2024.
Learn more about user management in our docs.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDS Enterprise

🚀 NEW: Console Private Link Configuration

We are pleased to announce that Console Private Link Configuration is now generally available in AuraDB and AuraDS Enterprise across all three major 3 cloud platforms.
With Console Private Link Configuration, Aura Enterprise users with the
role can now self-configure private endpoints in the Aura Console. This gives authorised users access to advanced security tooling, which enables tighter control over the networks that the organisation's data traverses.
Console Private Link Configuration enables Aura Enterprise admins to configure a private connection between the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) their applications are running in and the VPC where their Aura databases are hosted. This new capability enables Aura customers to use AWS PrivateLink, Azure Private Link and GCP Private Service Connect respectively, to configure the private connection. Once the connection has been established users can then have control over disabling (and re-enabling if required) public traffic, which will direct all traffic through the private endpoints and prevent it from traversing the public internet.
To get started simply head to the Aura console, navigate to the left hand panel and choose Network Access. Click the New Network Access Configuration button and follow the on-screen prompts to setup the connection. For more information please see the Aura Docs.
Team Aura
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