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Neo4j Aura Database Feature Update!

The following core Neo4j Database features are now available for users in Aura:
  • The default store format for new databases in Aura is now Block format. Block format supersedes all previous formats and provides superior performance.. You can read about store formats in the Store Formats documentation.
Cypher Fixes
Please refer to the changelog for full details of all the changes.
The Neo4j product team is excited to announce the Early Access Program (EAP) for Read-Only Secondaries is now open for all AuraDB Enterprise customers running Neo4j v5.
This feature sees the ability for customers to add Read-Only Secondaries to their Aura database instances for the first time. The main use case we are serving at EAP is for customers with a need for high Read throughput, to distribute those read queries.
Scope of the EAP
  • Up to 15 static Read-Only Secondaries can be added per AuraDB Enterprise database instance.
  • Single region only. Read-Only secondaries available in same region as their Primary database.
  • The following routing policy will apply when at least one secondary is available: Route READ to secondaries + non-leader primaries. This policy extends the READ payload to the primaries that are not currently serving in an elected leader role. It allows to further balance the READ and improve scalability
  • Available for all clouds (AWS, Azure & GCP)
  • During EAP each Secondary is will consume credits at ⅓ (‘a third’) of the normal running rate of an AuraDB Enterprise database. We reserve the right to adjust this once the feature is made generally available.
We will not support use cases for isolated workloads (customer routing) or multi region replication at this time, but will be gathering feedback on those use cases during EAP.
If you would like to register interest in our Early Access program, please complete the sign-up form here and we'll be in touch to discuss!
For more information, please reach our to your Account Team.
Neo4j Aura Product Team
We are pleased to announce the general availability of Customer Managed Keys for Aura Enterprise customers on Microsoft Azure. Get started with protecting your data in Aura using your own managed keys on Azure Key Vault!
To use your keys to encrypt Aura instances, you need to allow Neo4j to access your keys on Azure Key Vault for encryption. You will also need to create a service principle linked to the Neo4j CMK Application. Follow our documentation for a step-by-step guide.
The Aura Console also provides in-app instructions on how to set up your keys on Azure (IDs are masked in the screenshot):
Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 11
We're pleased to let you know that 512GB Neo4j Aura database instances are now available to AuraDB Enterprise AWS cloud customers running Neo4j v5.
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 12
Deployable with 512GB RAM | 96 vCPU | 1024GB Storage 'out of the box', this new configuration option is ideal for Enterprises running large workloads, and available in all Aura AWS availability regions supporting EC2 m6i in 3 or more availability zones.
Please get in touch with your Account Manager for more details!
Aura Product Team
We are excited to introduce Organizations and User Management to enhance the functionality and management of your Aura service. This release is the first of many in 2024 aimed at improving the Aura user experience.
User Management: Simplifying Access Control
User Management is a new feature that allows you to grant and manage access to your Aura Organization and its tenants.
  • Current Capabilities:
    Assign roles (admin, member, viewer) to users at the console level.
  • Upcoming Features:
    Future updates will enable auto-connection to the database using console roles.
Note for Cloud Marketplace Users:
Aura users accessing the console through a cloud marketplace integration will see a separate organization. All users after the first admin connecting to the Aura tenant will be required to invite colleagues via the Console UI, rather than allowing access from the marketplace punch-out.
For detailed information, visit our documentation.
Organizations: A New Layer in Aura Account Hierarchy
Organizations are a new layer in the Aura account hierarchy that sits above Tenants (Projects). This feature allows you to better organize and manage multiple tenants under a single organization.
Initial Setup:
  • At launch, each New organization will contain a default tenant named "New tenant."
  • Future updates will enable the creation of additional tenants, allowing you to manage access to instances more effectively.
How to Rename Your Organization or Tenant:
  1. Click on the tenant name within the organization/tenant menu to ensure you are accessing the correct tenant or organization.
  2. Hover over the name of the organization or tenant.
  3. Click the pencil icon that appears and edit the name inline.


AuraDB Enterprise

AuraDS Enterprise

Security Log Forwarding now available

We are excited to announce the general availability of Security Log Forwarding for Aura Enterprise customers.
This feature allows customers to set up and configure Security log forwarding process(es) in the Aura console, where the destination is a cloud logging service. The supported targets are Google Cloud Logging in GCP, Cloudwatch in AWS and Log Analytics in Microsoft Azure. If multiple regions are in use, a separate log forwarding process can be defined per cloud provider and region.
Once the target is set up, all security logs from AuraDB Enterprise and AuraDS Enterprise instances in the same cloud provider and region will be forwarded to the defined logging service.
To access Log forwarding:
  • Navigate to the Neo4j Aura Console in your browser.
  • Select Log forwarding from the sidebar menu.
This will display a list of currently configured log forwarding processes for the active tenant. If no log forwarding process is set up, a button to do so is displayed in the center of the page.
Documentation for setting up the service is available here.
Aura Database and Analytics services are business critical for our users. We have requests to introduce more capabilities enabling access to logs and metrics to derive actionable insights using your choice of monitoring platform.
We have a strong roadmap of observability sharing features including security logs, query logs and other capabilities. Many of these logs can be of significant size hence we will introduce in the future a new consumption based billing model including cloud egress costs.
We believe security is of paramount importance hence we have decided to make security logs available for you initially at
no extra charge



AuraDB Enterprise

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AuraDS Enterprise

Neo4j Aura Database feature update

The following core Neo4j Database features are now available for users in Aura:
Surface for Developers and Data Scientists
  • Greatly improved scalability of the block format importer, allowing for good performance even for large data sets.
  • Metric <prefix>.store.size.database.available_reserved becomes public. This allows us to estimate reserved but available space in the database, in bytes. Documentation is available here.
Language and Graph Model
  • Introduces support for CALL {...} IN CONCURRENT TRANSACTIONS. This optimizes the use of available processing resources, enabling subqueries to be broken up into multiple batches and executed concurrently. Documentation is available here. Syntax:
[OF batchSize ROW[S]]
    : This release introduces CYPHER statements:
    . The new statements also support Quantified Path Patterns, combining shortest path-finding with the expressiveness of QPPs. Documentation is available here.
  • A new SubtractionNodeByLabelsScan operator delivers improved matching performance for label expressions with negation such as:
MATCH (:A1&A2&!B1&!B2)....
Documentation is available here.
  • For
    GQL conformance
    we have introduced
    upper() and lower() functions, which are aliases for the toUpper() and toLower() functions
    .Documentation is available here and here.
  • A new *
    deprecatedBy column has been added to the output of SHOW PROCEDURES [YIELD
    * to show if the deprecated procedure/function has a replacement. Documentation is available here
  • Metric <prefix>.store.size.database.available_reserved becomes public
    . This allows us to estimate reserved but available space in the database, in bytes. Documentation is available here.
  • FOREACH will now interpret scalar values as a list
    , similar to UNWIND.
Please refer to the Neo4j changelog for full details of the changes.
This maintenance release includes important security updates.
3rd party Graph Apps are now restricted. Installation of applications via the Gallery App, file protocol or deep linking will no longer work.
Neo4j Labs Graph Apps are now pre-installed.
Bundled Bloom version 2.11.0
We are pleased to announce the general availability of
Customer Metric Integration
for Aura Enterprise customers. It is accessed from the Operations section of the sidebar using the Metric Integration item.
CMI Endpoints
Customer Metric Integration takes the content of Aura Advanced Metrics and allows you to integrate this data into your observability platform of choice using a secured Prometheus endpoint. Once the data is integrated in your own system, this can be used to generate alerts and notifications, if desired, over the managed Aura instance(s). The endpoints provided are per instance, or for the whole tenant.
An overview of the setup tasks is as follows:-
CMI Setup
Once a user has been set up with the metric integration role and has a valid API key, your observability platform of choice can be securely configured to access the endpoint(s) and collect the metrics data on a periodic basis.
The recommended collection interval for metrics is in the range of 30 seconds up to 2 minutes, depending on requirements. The metrics endpoint caches metrics for 30 seconds and polling more frequently than this will not retrieve different data.
Full setup and reference documentation is provided from the console page.
Next steps and charges
Aura Database and Analytics services are business critical for our users. We have requests to introduce more capabilities enabling access to logs and metrics to derive actionable insights using your choice of monitoring platform.
We have a strong roadmap of observability sharing features including metrics, security logs, query logs and other capabilities. Many of the associated logs can be of significant size hence we will introduce in the future a new consumption based billing model including cloud egress costs.
We believe observability is of paramount importance hence we have decided to make
Customer Metric Integration
available for you initially at no extra charge.
Aura and Ops Manager product teams.



AuraDB Enterprise

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AuraDS Self-Start

AuraDS Enterprise

Neo4j Aura Database feature update!

The following core Neo4j Database features are now available for users in Aura:
  • Anonymous usage data reporting: Neo4j sends a small amount of anonymous usage data back to Neo4j. This helps us understand how our products are used and improve them. The reporting can be disabled with the configuration setting dbms.usage_report.enabled=false. For a full description of the reported data, please refer to the Anonymous usage data report documentation page.
  • Add a new deprecatedBy column to SHOW PROCEDURES and SHOW FUNCTION to show if a procedure/function has a replacement when it has been deprecated.
  • It is now possible to
    reference variables from within a Quantified Path Pattern (QPP) that are not defined directly inside
    the QPP. For example:
MATCH ((a)--(b) WHERE a.h >x.h)*(s)-->(u)
To use x as a predicate, it is no longer necessary for it to have been previously defined; so this query can now be rewritten as:
MATCH (x)-->(y)((a)-[e]->(b) WHERE a.h > x.h)*
  • To further comply with the GQL specification, we have extended the existing trim(), ltrim() and rtrim() functions to optionally allow the specification of which characters to trim, as well as the addition of a btrim() function which trims both ends of a string. For example, RETURN BTRIM('xyzzyNeo4jzyx', 'xyz') returns ‘Neo4j’. For details, please refer to the String function - Cypher manual.
  • Deprecate property references that depend on the order of evaluation
    within a MERGE clause, for example:
MERGE (a {prop:'p'})-[:T]->(b {prop:a.prop}).
The following is still allowed:
MATCH (a {prop:'p'})
MERGE (b {prop:a.prop}).
  • Existing trim(), ltrim() and rtrim() functions optionally allow the specification of which characters to trim, whilst a new btrim() function which trims both ends of a string.
  • It is now possible to reference elements from within a Quantified Path Pattern that are not directly adjacent to the QPP.
We hope you enjoy these new capabilities, please refer to the Neo4j changelog for full details of the changes.
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