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Neo4j Aura Database March Release Update

The Neo4j Aura March release has started to roll out, commencing on AuraDB Free and progressing to higher tiers later.
Some highlights include:
  • dbms.components() will return ‘5.27.0’ in the column versions. This is to support existing client applications that rely on the previous version format.
  • When dbms.cypher.lenient_create_relationship is set to true, MERGE clauses will not fail with Neo.TransientError.Transaction.Outdated.
  • Includes a new error handling mode for CALL IN TRANSACTIONS: ON ERROR RETRY.
  • Fixes a bug with relationship traversal cursor pooling that could cause an ExpandInto operator to generate an incorrect relationship match in certain rare queries when executing on a block format database.
  • Fixes a issue where X1 page does not exist for node -1 errors appearing after node deletion.
  • Fixes a issue where …DELETE n RETURN n could fail in some scenarios.
  • Fixes a issue where we returned true instead of the actual property value for some specific WHERE clauses.
  • Fixes a issue where serialization of an empty list inside another list would cause an index out of bounds exception.
  • Fixes a bug with Dynamic Relationship Types where the first type would be inadvertently cached and reused for all rows.
Please refer to the Aura Release Notes for more information on any of the changes.