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Latest Neo4j version 5.17 on Aura!

All Aura V5 databases are now running the latest Neo4j version 5.17.
Neo4j GenAI Integrations
Compatibility with various generative AI services, including support for transforming text data into vector embeddings using VertexAI, OpenAI, or Amazon Bedrock. The resulting vector embeddings can be used together with Neo4j’s vector search indexes. Documentation is available here.
Language and Graph Model
  • A string normalization function (NORMALIZE) and predicate expression (IS [NOT] NORMALIZED), making it possible to generate a canonical form of a Unicode string and determine if two Unicode strings are equivalent to each other. Documentation is available here and here.
  • On attempting to create an index or constraint (CREATE INDEX|CONSTRAINT... IF NOT EXISTS), we now return a notification if the index/constraint to be created already exists. Similarly, on attempting to drop an index or constraint (DROP INDEX|CONSTRAINT... IF EXISTS), we now return a notification if the index/constraint to be dropped does not exist. Documentation is available here and here.
  • Cache queries with obfuscated literals #24046 & Speed-up obfuscation #24019.
  • Fix a bug where a query using a conjunction such as CREATE (:A&B) would create a node without labels.
  • Fix a bug that would return a ‘WGS84 invalid coordinate error’ in a POINT INDEX distance calculation. This bug would occur for large search distances (> 11,936,226 m) where the search region perimeter crosses both poles (90,0 and -90,0).
  • Fix issue with EXPLAIN and nested temporal types leading to a failed to pretty print RuntimeConstant error.
  • Fix bugs in query obfuscation #23124.
Please refer to the changelog for full details of the changes.