Hello there, we have some great news!
You can now clone from one AuraDB Professional database to a new AuraDB Professional database.
- You can only clone to a new latest Neo4j 4 AuraDB database.
- You can clone from a Neo4j 3 to a Neo4j 4 new database, smoothing out your migration path.
- You can clone to a new database in a different global region.
- Your destination database must be the same size or bigger than your source database.
I'll personally be in touch with those running a Neo4j 3 instance as we look to deprecate Neo4j 3 from the platform in the coming months.
If you are interested in the ability to clone from one database to an existing (not new) database, please up vote : https://neo4j-aura.canny.io/feature-requests/p/clone-one-instance-to-an-existing-instance
To get to the clone button currently, head to the "Settings" for your Database and click "Clone".

Please let us know your feedback as you start to use the feature.