An unrecoverable error has occurred. Reload application
Uma Paola Gálvez Miranda
I can't use Neo4j online, because every time I open an Instance a message appears: "An unrecoverable error has occurred." and a button "Reload application" that reloads the page, but the same appears. (I can't use it since November 18).
I already tried deleting the Instance and creating a new one, but the message still appears.
Nissanka Fernando
Dear Uma,
I'm sorry that you've had this issue for so long.
I can't recreate the problem here so please try the following and reply here with any results - these things are super helpful for our engineers to trouble-shoot.
- Clear browsing data and restart web browser (in web browser settings).
- Try a different web browser or computer.
- If the problem persists share any errors from your web browser JavaScript Console (in Developer view).