graph no longer showing relationships
Yesterday I was impressed by the explore function as it was able to show my entire csv file with correct relationships without me having to configure anything but when I logged in today it had disappeared. When trying it again I just get a bunch of loose nodes based on the 'main' variables in the first column. The csv used is exactly the same.
Was there an update that might have changed it?
quick update:
I am able to query the graph together in the new UI and in neo4j browser (for some reason the one query does not work on the other). But I am still not able to actually work with it as I am not able to store a third, description column into certain nodes. I created these nodes and relationships in Python but they are still very much lacking compared to what it created when I simply imported my csv the first time into your web UI.
Any ideas?
The file is exactly the same as yesterday and it's showing the exact same columns when importing as it did yesterday. I was also able to map the same three columns directly from the table. I am not sure if the constraint are the same as yesterday, but they make sense so I doubt that may be it.
Jeff Gagnon
It does appear as though the additional nodes and relationships you're expecting aren't making it into the database at Import time. Could there be a difference in the Import definition/graph model and its links to your CSV file as compared to the Import definition you used yesterday when the data was imported as expected?
Hey Jeff, thanks for your quick response.
I am working with a sample file that is divided into the columns Variables, Values, and Value descriptions. Yesterday the 12 variables would be configured around the one 'main' node. The other 62 values would then be configured around their corresponding variables with the value description. This resulted in 75 nodes with their relationships (cannot remember the exact number anymore). When I import now, only 12 nodes are created without any relationships.
Regarding the search bar, it is indeed populated with the "Show me a graph". I have tried expanding per your instructions but to no avail. So I don't think there really is anything else to show except those 12 nodes.
I haven't really dived onto querying it myself yet as I'm not too skilled with it and I'd really prefer it to work automatically, but would that be the go-to instead?
Jeff Gagnon
Hi and thanks for reaching out.
We haven't made any updates that would cause this recently, but there could be a few reasons why relationships wouldn't be showing up. At import time, can you confirm that the relationships are being created based on your model? Also in Explore, is the Search bar populated with "Show me a graph"? It is possible that this query is showing different results each time you run it, as it simply shows a sample of nodes from the database. If you highlight all the single nodes and right-click to access the context menu, you will see an option to "Expand" the nodes, which will query the database for any connected nodes and display them.