When I try to visualize the graph in Neo4j Workspace Explore, I see all the nodes with the same color.
This could also be because all of my nodes are of entity type __Entity__. I have the various subtypes of this __Entity__ type in "type" attribute of each node.
Additionally, I added these subtypes as labels to the nodes. Here is my cypher statement for creating one node:
MERGE (e: __Entity__ {{id:"{entity_id}"}})
SET e.name={name}, e.type="{type}", e.description="{description}"
CALL apoc.create.addLabels(e, case when coalesce("{type}","") = "" then [] else [apoc.text.upperCamelCase(replace("{type}",'"',''))] end) yield node
Can I somehow visualize the whole graph to show the label colours for the nodes?