Non disappear tool when a new update is avaliable
Emma Nash
ponce ortiz: Hi Ponce, yeah sorry, I think I read your comment a bit too quickly before. We recommend your tools are kept up to date, but still, it is surprising that Browser wasn't working for you on the old version. Right now my best guess is that something was wrong with your Browser setup, or you had a very old Browser version, and that caused the black screen. In the future when Browser (or other graph app) updates are available, the graph app should generally work even if you don't update. So let us know if the same problem comes up again
ponce ortiz
Emma Nash: hola !! that was the issue, but that´s the point : the tool must let me work if I decide not update.
I have to update and the trouble gets fixed
Emma Nash
ponce ortiz: It looks like you have a pending update available for Neo4j Browser - can you try updating it and see if you get the same problem?
ponce ortiz
Sorry about my late feedback Well I don't have the same behavior anymore when update is available, but instead I have a black window when open the Neo4j Browser the browser never ends to load, I'm using Neo4j Browser 1.4.8 and a new notification for a Browser is present.
Linus Lundahl
Should be fixed in 1.4.7 and up
Emma Nash
Hi Ponce. Can you give us exact steps to reproduce this and what the user experiences? I tested having pending updates on the Browser and Bloom plugins, but the "Open" dropdown menu still looked fine (all logos were visible).
ponce ortiz
Liza Shkirando: hola Liza thanks !! Looks like i don't have access to the dashboard ..i have to ?
Liza Shkirando
Liza Shkirando