MacOS: Neo4j Desktop, Window Management Improvements
I've used Neo4j desktop for a while and one thing that has annoyed me is the multitude of windows that don't used used often buy you can close them.
The main window that starts/stops project DBMS is used only once, to start the server and open the query console (aka Neo4j browser).
It would be ideal to be able to close the main window but leave it running like many applications do on MacOS, a good example would be docker. Neo4j Desktop also creates a Menu bar icon, that effectively does nothing? (you can't even disable it, bummer) Again looking at docker, once you launch it you can close the main application and docker daemon runs and the menu bar provides launch controls.
Gregory King
Gregory King
Hi Noah,
Thanks for your valid feedback. This is a limitation of the current way Desktop is built, but we'll bear this in mind in future iterations of our product.
If you look at Workspace, currently available in Aura, you'll notice we're combining more of our tools into one.