GCP Singapore region
Yoga Pratama Aliarham
thanks @Aman Singh !!
Aman Singh
Hi all, I'm happy to announce this region is now live
Mohd Nazreen Bin Abdul Rahman -
Yoga Pratama Aliarham you are suggesting the Singapore region for GCP right ? We are also in similar situation as yours. Might be better to add GCP in the title, so other people can upvote too without creating a new one.
Yoga Pratama Aliarham
Mohd Nazreen Bin Abdul Rahman - yes correct, well noted
thanks !
Yoga Pratama Aliarham
how do I edit the title btw Mohd Nazreen Bin Abdul Rahman -?
Mohd Nazreen Bin Abdul Rahman -
Yoga Pratama Aliarham maybe we can ask Aman Singh to help edit the title if it is not editable.
Aman Singh
Mohd Nazreen Bin Abdul Rahman - I'll update this - thanks!
Aman Singh
Hi Yoga, we have Singapore available on AWS (ap-southeast-1) - would this work for you?
Yoga Pratama Aliarham
hi Aman Singh thanks for the response !
unfortunately, it would not work for our environment as we are using a private network to communicate between services and we plan to use neo4j as one of our db in search services.
would be helpful if we have the Singapore region in neo4j GCP.
thanks !