europe-north1 region on GCP
We also have a need for an instance in North Europe (pref. Oslo, Azure)
Klaus Myrseth
I would also love this as its the "greenest" datacenter in europe, were trying to keep a low carbon footprint on our services ;)
Aman Singh
Hi Ville, thanks for raising this request. I've moved it to our new 'Regions' board. New regions are currently prioritised based on customer demand, it would be good to see if other customers have the same request. The difficulty is not in spinning up a new one, more that each region has associated costs and management overhead.
Ville Saukkonen
Aman Singh: Thanks for the answer! I would imagine the associated cost to be negligible compared to potential upside of enabling the customers freely to choose the region. Now you are effectively building barriers and blocking business from spinning up instances.freely in every region For us this might be a blocker, and most of the startups does not even bother to ask for it. They just move to next suitable solution. Instead you could have small standby infrastructure in place in every region and remove this barrier and get more business without costly back and forth between different stake holders. So in short, you are loosing business, time and money by not having the standby infra in all the regions. That's the reason why all the other providers covers all the regions by default, it just makes sense. prioritising based on customer demand is very misleading as those who cannot spin up an instance in their preferred region cannot be your customers in the first place. Similar to survivor bias.