Neo4j Aura in Mumbai/Delhi region
Hinddeep Purohit
We are an IT company based in India and would like to use Neo4j Aura to support an app we are building for our client. Unfortunately, it isn't available in Mumbai and Delhi region thereby adversely impacting the performance of our app. Can we have it deployed in the Mumbai or Delhi region?
Aman Singh
Merged in a post:
Is AWS region ap-south-1 (Mumbai) for AuraDB?
Vinay Kumar K N
Can we spin AuraDB in mumbai region.
Aman Singh
I'm pleased to announce an India region for GCP, AWS and Azure has been launched. These are now available for the Neo4j console
Hinddeep Purohit
Aman Singh Thank you so much! I'm sure this will be a welcome change for many Indian users!
Monika Chahal
We are a startup targetting Indian user, so will be great to have aura in Indian to meet regulations
Abhishek Alai
+1. Will have to look at a different option if ap-south-1 is not available
This is must needed due to India regulations.
Aman Singh
Merged in a post:
Neo4j in the Mumbai region.
Dhairya Verma
Can we have ap-south-1 option in Neo4j professional?
Venkatesh Shanmuganathan
I know 2-3 other players in Bangalore that are using Neo4J community edition because they weren't able to get Aura in Mumbai region.
John Kennedy
Thanks for the request Hinddeep Purohit, let's see what the demand is like from the rest of the users.